Sub ohm Vaping What is it and How to Start?

June 9, 2023

Sub-ohm vaping is a special vaping style requiring a special device. This specific type produces larger clouds and often require big heavy-duty devices. These devices are also known as sub-ohm kits, use the Direct to lung (DTL) method. This method is different from the traditional Mouth to lung (MTL) method which is simply like when you smoke a cigarette. The Direct to lung method involves inhalation of the vape just like breathing, where you do not let the vape stay in the mouth like an ordinary MTL vape. So, as it is quite new to most beginners and vapers as well, it is not advisable for the beginners to start DTL vaping as it would not be comfortable at the start. Smoking quitters or early vape users should first develop their taste in normal MTL vaping before using these advanced sub-ohm devices. But, if you are vaping for a long time and now require some extra flavour and vapours out of your device then sub-ohm vaping is the right choice for you.

Sub ohm Vaping What is it and How to Start?

Sub-ohm vaping is a special vaping style requiring a special device. This specific type produces larger clouds and often require big heavy-duty devices. These devices are also known as sub-ohm kits, use the Direct to lung (DTL) method. This method is different from the traditional Mouth to lung (MTL) method which is simply like when you smoke a cigarette. The Direct to lung method involves inhalation of the vape just like breathing, where you do not let the vape stay in the mouth like an ordinary MTL vape. So, as it is quite new to most beginners and vapers as well, it is not advisable for the beginners to start DTL vaping as it would not be comfortable at the start. Smoking quitters or early vape users should first develop their taste in normal MTL vaping before using these advanced sub-ohm devices. But, if you are vaping for a long time and now require some extra flavour and vapours out of your device then sub-ohm vaping is the right choice for you.

So let us begin to dwell into the know about of this style if you are really in a phase to start this vaping style.

Why should you start sub-ohm vaping

As stated earlier, this method is for advanced vapers as it is quite unique and Direct to lung vaping style. Moreover, sub-ohm kits are relatively bigger and more expensive. In addition to this, these devices require proper maintenance and complicated operation which would not be easy if you are new to vaping. So, it is advisable for advanced vapers not to go on an adventure journey buying a sub-ohm kit and waste your time if you are not familiar with the basic terms and operations of vaping.

How Does it Work?

The coil used in a vape kit is used to burn the E-liquid and in terms produce clouds and flavours. This coil comes in different qualities and has different e-liquid burning capabilities. This quality is measured in terms of resistance and its unit is the ohm. The coil having high resistance will burn less and produce fewer vapours. On the contrary, if the resistance is low then more power can be used to burn the liquid and produce more clouds. So the coil used in sub-ohm vaping is of less resistance than the normal vape kits. Normally the coil having less than 1.0-ohm resistance is used in sub-ohm kits

Safety Concerns

So the next question after knowing the basics of sub-ohm vaping is whether it is safe or not; it is safer than normal vaping or not. First of all, it is surely more than 90% safer than smoking you should know that. The E-liquid is what you are basically inhaling. So it is quite safe and it is just some extra vapours that you will be having. However, the sub-ohm devices should be tested and checked before use. It is MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) that regulate these vape kits.

Ohm's Law

If you are not already familiar with this well-known law which is the relation of voltage between current and resistance then let me clear this one for you. It states that voltage is directly proportional to the current and inversely proportional to the resistance in a conductor. Knowledge of this was quite important back in the days when you need to build your own sub-ohm coils, and check the readings of resistance of your coil frequently, but now there are premade coils readily available on market. So you need not know more about the details of this. The power range to be safely used for a coil is also written on the pack of premade coils to assist you in building your vape kit.

So if you are using a rebuildable atomiser or a device which you is not regulated, then this knowledge of ohm law is inevitable to safely operate your device. Because if you did not operate it safely there is a chance that you may explode the battery or cause irreversible damage to yourself and others along the way.

Sub-ohm Kits

It is the most important component and should be operated wisely to avoid any damage. It is the part that heats your coils to produce vapours and flavour. The sub-ohm kit has a higher power wattage level because of the low resistance coil and high vapour production capability. The advance kits may have different custom vaping options like Wattage control or Temperature Control for a personalised experience. These modes are, however, for advanced users so only available in sub-ohm kits only.

Sub-ohm kits normally used external batteries, rechargeable batteries that need to be removed from the device on charging. Because these kits require more power to operate than the normal starter kit.

Best E-liquid for Sub-ohm Vaping

The eliquids which have a high tendency to produce good clouds is recommended as that's why sub-ohm vaping is adopted in the first place. This means that the E-liquid should have higher Vegetable Glycerin (VG) content because this is the component of juice that is responsible for cloud production. SO 60% or more VG content would be good to use in a sub-ohm kit. Normally a 70/30 E-liquid in which 70% VG is preferred for a smooth and cloudy experience.

The nicotine strength of the liquid need also a profound consideration because the imbalance can be quite uncomfortable especially if you added more nicotine content in an e-liquid than required. Remember that the sub-ohm kit burns the e-liquid at a faster rate so you would have to lower your nicotine percentage compared to what you normally use. It is desirable to keep it around 6mg or less for a smooth throat hit and flavourful experience.

Any Questions?

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