How to prepare and insert premade coils in your RDA Device

June 9, 2023

Installing premade coils and adjusting them is quite a hectic task, especially for beginners. It requires a little bit of knowledge of electronics and some workmanship. It is, however, advised that only advanced users should go for it. So if you are interested in installing your own coil then, first of all, there should be a list of equipment you would require to do this. Screwdriver, Scissors, Ceramic Tweezers, Vape Cotton, Ohm reader, Wire Clipper, E-liquid, RDA, Premade Coils

How to prepare and insert premade coils in your RDA Device

Installing premade coils and adjusting them is quite a hectic task, especially for beginners. It requires a little bit of knowledge of electronics and some workmanship. It is, however, advised that only advanced users should go for it. So if you are interested in installing your own coil then, first of all, there should be a list of equipment you would require to do this.

Tools and Equipment

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Scissors
  3. Ceramic Tweezers
  4. Vape Cotton
  5. Ohm reader
  6. Wire Clipper
  7. E-liquid
  8. RDA
  9. Premade Coils

You can select the coil of your own choice. There are a lot of options to choose from for your rebuildable dripping atomiser (RDA). You can change simple and regular coils with the options of more advanced coils like hive and laptops coils etc.

So after gathering all the necessary equipment, you need to follow these steps to perfectly install your readymade coil in your RDA

  1. First of all clean your atomiser thoroughly, removing any prior E-liquid and old coils. You can clean it with warm water (not hot) without soup
  2. Select and prepare the new coil that you have selected by giving it a perfect shape to be installed.
  3. Insert the coils into the designated post on the RDA. Tighten up the screws with a screwdriver. Do not go crazy in tightening the screw as you may damage it.
  4. Adjust the place of the coil to keep it at the centre and cut off any excess wire if you have.
  5. Carefully check the resistance of the coil using an ohmmeter. Check out any shorting you have in the coils which can hinder in equal burning of the coil
  6. Now fire up the coils to check the burning and adjust the coils to make sure that they heat up evenly. Use ceramic tweezers to squeeze them gently in this process
  7. Cut the vape cotton just about the size of the coil and twist it into the required shape by turning it round
  8. Now insert the cotton into the coil carefully into the coils by passing it through the whole coil
  9. Now cut the excessive coils with scissors
  10. Tuck the remaining cotton on sides into the coil so it is fully inside the coil
  11. Add some E-liquid to fully saturate the cotton coil
  12. Leave the coil for at least 10 to 15 minutes before using so that e-liquid fully gets into the cotton

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